I will be honest with you, dear reader. I do not have a non-religious view of life. I
repeat: non-religious. I am a Christian. As a result, my definition of life has
something to do with God. Or a lot to do with God actually. Now, another
truthful statement I will admit; I am not a “strong” Christian. What I mean is
that I don’t necessarily read the Bible. I do not go to church ever Wednesday
and Sunday. I did not do Holy Communion. I do not go to my respectable pastor
and ask to be repented. I guess you could say I am a weak Christian. I pray
though. I pray (almost) every day. I try
to pray for everyone I know; that is the best type of prayer I believe. I know
God is real and I try ever so hard to consider him in all that I do. But
sometimes I am as filthy and guilty as any other sinner in this world. I speak
profanity and think of unrighteous thoughts. The reason I had just admitted my
weak spiritual status is that my “religious definition” of life is not that
strong either. My definition is simple. My definition is weak. My youth and
inexperience with life itself will result in a weak and simple definition
anyways. But I am glad I am doing this blog so I can get started on a
foundation for my definition of life. When I am older, either my brother’s age
or Mr. Tessen’s age, I will have a better definition of life. My definition
could change also. I do not know yet.

So like, once you please God, you live a righteous life. A
righteous, sinless, and honestly perfect life.
One without sorrow or regret. You would be loved even if you did sin, because
God has already forgiven you for your past and future sins. You would be taken
care of; God will provide anything for you during harsh times. You will have
someone to talk to when you are alone. You have someone to protect you from
things that you cannot physically control. Also, you have a place to live after
you are dead. Like I said, a mansion.
You are set for eternity. Isn’t that great???

Like I said in the first paragraph, I will think of a better
definition of life. I will enhance this one or rewrite a completely different
meaning. If you do not agree with what I have just explained, I understand. It
took many school years for me to understand Jesus and His Father and His ways. You,
reader, will have a different perspective, and I am open to learning about it.
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