
Tuesday 5 November 2013

Looks vs. Ideas

A person's looks or clothing is more important than having good ideas to succeed. Do you agree or disagree?

So that which is outside matters more than what is inside? Of course not! The angle you turn your fedora or the jeans you fashion yourself with is not more important than what you have to say or do to actually make a change for yourself and the people around you and even the world! The clothes you wear will wither. Your skin will not appear tan forever. Your clothes will tear and rot of moth balls. Your skin will become wrinkly. But your contribution to curing cancer will last longer than your leather Louviton bag.

If your opinions and ideas were a physical object, they will appear as perfect as the most beautiful gem ever cut and fashioned on a ring or necklace. It glistens when you cast light upon it. That gem makes all your girl friends jealous of your wealth. You awe the people that feast their eyes on the gem decorating your finger or chest. But right now, you cannot see that gem. It is not cut yet. It is not polished. Right now it is surrounded by an ugly dark rock that represents your face, your body, your clothes, everything. There is a slit in the rock that you can peer through to see the glistening gem. Right now, your appearance is the rock. Yet behind your makeup and smirk and Gucci bag and Vera Wang dress is this beautiful green, purple, blue, red, or even clear gem that is dying to be polished and shown. Beneath your skin is this beautifully enriched idea that is begging to be shared to the world. But how can you get to that gem? How can you get to that idea? Well, you must polish the rock clean of its dirt. You must get rid of the stereotype that your appearance means more than what is inside of you. That will take time. And loads of patience. It will take a lengthy time to polish that gem clear from its blemish of dark stone – or blemish of gaudy dresses and tuxes.

Everyone has a gem inside them. Some have a collection of gems. Some have small ones the size of a number 2 pencil's eraser; some have big ones the size of a baseball. Some do not know how to polish their gem. Some people take decades to polish the gem of its impurities.

So what looks better? The rock or the gem? Your clothes or your idea? Your conscience or your curves?

I swear, people are more beautiful on the inside – behind all that skin and leather and makeup. I've looked at people much too much and have only look, yet when I converse and ponder about the reasons for their action, I am awed and actually ashamed for holding a different perspective of them. Your appearance is nothing compared to what is inside of you. Absolutely nothing, my dear. Okay, some people will be prettier and bulkier in rock size. They will be bristly whilst you are ever so dull on the surface. But you possibly can have the bigger gem beneath. Once cracked and revealed, you will appear more perfect as a diamond.

Your thoughts and opinions and ideas matter more, sweetheart. You have a gem for a heart. Shine it and make it known instead of your appearance.

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