
Sunday 3 November 2013

Three Qualities of True Friends

I swear, I learned this in Bible last year, but I don't remember it! There are exactly three terms defining true friendship. I don't remember. It's written somewhere in a thick notebook in my desk somewhere. However, I do have my own personal definition of true friends since I have some of my own. I have two (scratch that- three) true friends that I would die for any second. Those three have proven themselves worthy and loving; I'm blessed to be considered a true friend of their own. They do actually have a few qualities common amongst them.

I know for sure that they love me unconditionally, and I do in return. Masami and Savannah are one the of the greatest people I have ever met in the whole world. The three of us have been through thick and thin; we have spilled out our pasts and have seen both the good and bad of each other. We have crept out on Masami's rooftop late at night and tell each other stories and laugh at the jokes and complain of the cold wind. We've seen each other cry after a loved one's death or heartbreak. We make pacts for each other to keep – eat only one chip at a time from the bag at all times, swear never to shave our legs until we are in college (Masami couldn't keep that promise), and promise to never change our ways when we enter MBA (I promised to not change when I come to SIS). This intimate relationship and constant interaction has brought us closer than we could have ever imagined. We have a strong bond, and I believe that has led us to love each other no matter what. I love them, oh, so much. True friends love each other no matter what the situation.

True friends are loyal. As I am in a new school and both my buds are in a different school, my loyalty to them and their loyalty to me will be tested. You see, we are a trio. Right now there is an open spot for whoever want to be apart of that trio. They can easily fill in the void and replace me. I fear that'll happen someday; I could possibly make them both mad and they'd never want to see me again. Easy way to get myself excommunicated... I'm praying that will never happen. I've made friends in SIS; my classmates are beyond amazing – no lie. Yet I still have my heart where the other two are at. I tend to choose those two over my boyfriend sometimes! Our omnipotent bond keeps our friendship intact; our love results in our everlasting loyalty. Even if we do go to different colleges in the next year to come, I will still be loyal to them. I do believe they will be too.

Lastly, true friends are honest, sometimes brutally and painfully honest, but you are not a true friend if you do not love them enough to even tell the truth. Masami and Savannah have been honest in many things I've done. Even if they joke around about it, I take it personally and try to change my ways to become, well, better. When I was younger, I tended to speak Japanese for no apparent reason. I'll react to something then all of a sudden say a Japanese word, which will sometimes irritate them. They joked about it a couple times to me, and I got offended and vowed to hold my tongue of it foreignness. There are other example, but I cannot bring my brain to think of any. So yes, they are honest with me. Oh! Like with types of clothes or answers to homework and such. They build and improve me. I cannot ask for anything more.

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