
Sunday 3 November 2013

Greatest Strength of a Human

The strongest trait each and every human being contains in his soul is his cruel iniquity. And yes, I mean evil thoughts, desires, emotions, and actions. I believe that every human being is bad before and after birth. Even before you were thought of and conceived, you were an evil being. Now I'm not meaning you looked like an ugly, red, horned fetus with coarse black evilness running through your veins. That's disgusting :( What I mean is that your soul contained pure iniquity; however, you can always be redeemed of that. I'm not going to preach to you, my dear readers. My point being is that with evil being the foundation of your entirety, that evil will result in your future actions and words. If you have an evil heart and mind, evil words and actions will spill out between your lips and emit from your fingertips.

Look around you, and you will see normal looking people. No one looks outlandishly vicious: red horns, black cap, awkward villain costume, etc. They all smile differently; their tone changes when a certain topic is brought up. (I do not know the statistic of who in your class will grow up to kill a person, but I will be surprised if not one of my classmates become criminals in jail or even dead.) But I doubt any of my classmates desire to control the world. They're not super villains. Yet they are evil at heart. We are bad people inside.

I believe that I am evil, yet I try every single day to not fulfill my evil heart's desires and become good and righteous in the eyes of my Father. I do make mistakes, more than I should. I choose to cuss and hit people less; I was raised to not to do; also I feel guilty when I do so.

What I also believe is a strong human characteristic against all beings on this planet and even the universe is human intelligence. Human intuition and opinion enables us to surpass the personality of animals and insects. We can coherently and verbally argue; we can use our thumbs for a variety of hand gestures and actions; we can write; we are capable of communicating opinions and ideas; we can build cities and empires. Don't think them animals can do that! Human intelligence gives us an advantage of being most superior – and most reckless.

So I believe iniquity is the greatest trait of all, and our most advantageous is our intelligence. We are a blessed race. I do wish people could realize that!

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