However, SIS is a
medium sized school actually – definitely not small, but long in
length to make you semi-tired of walking on the sidewalk to the next
building. Its size makes a big difference to my schedule; you have to
strategically plan out when and where to walk because you can easily
waste time in taking the long way. Need to go the restroom? You have
to consider which one is closer to use. Need to go to your locker,
which is in the back of the high school building, and you are in the
second floor of the middle school building for chemistry and only
have about two minutes before the teacher locks you out of class? You
pray before you sprint or pray that you don't need to use your chem
book in class. I honestly like SIS's size. Walking is good for you;
you wake up a bit before going to class, and we have the opportunity
of walking outside in the fresh air, which I highly admire; you lose
a handful of calories also – bonus!

Having been to small schools for a majority of my educative years, I am a fan of small schools. When I go to college, I will be highly overwhelmed than when I was shopping at a Ross or WallMart. I mean, I'll be living at college; there will be people that do no and might never know me, or even Saipan for that matter; I will have a hard time walking to all my classes and then finally my dorm - but more calories burned! I will have a variety of friends of different race and personality - another bonus. There are some disadvantages to both school sizes, and I'm excited to experience a big school. I imagine feeling more "grown up" and responsible than at a small school.
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