
Thursday 3 October 2013

"If I were to be stranded on an island, what are the three things I would take?"

This question is as old as it gets. The oldest question to ask on a date or in an interview. Or even to your friend when you are bored out of your mind. I will be honest; I loathe this question. The possibility of bringing such things will be utterly impossible. Unless you are being taken away by some ludicrous evil villain that would grant your wish to bring three things with you while you are exiled to a god-forsaken island, then this question will be valid to be asked. But the possibility of such an event could come up, so I will inform you the three items I would bring with me if I were to be stranded on an island.

1. A Speed Boat
               Yes, I am one of those supposed achievers or wanna-be survivors that will bring a flare gun and a five year supply of food tucked next to the engine of my versatile boat-house-type-vehicle. But my main object is to have a speed boat. A full tank of gas will be essential or ten too. I plan on getting a boat license. Yes, I can get a license for driving a boat because I am blessed to be the granddaughter of the owner and daughter of the president of a tourist boating company. And with that license I won’t be arrested if I am caught in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea after fleeing my place of exile.

2. A note pad with a pencil
               I don’t consider this cheating by bring two items because I see them as one. A notepad must have a pencil or any type of writing utensil. With this pair, I could write about my adventures. I will free write. I’ll draw what I can find. I’ll record my thoughts and past memories and my desire for future of my island. I’ll try to create words. Or make my own language. I will write. I have a passion for writing. Perhaps I can dig deep into my soul and find the words I want to write. I wonder who will read that notepad afterwards.

3. Some sort of knife
               I honestly believed that a weapon would be necessary for survival. I can craft, cut, and carve things with a knife. A knife does not need bullets and is not loud and does not need to be reloaded, unlike a gun or bow and arrow. I would’ve brought a bow and arrow and act all Katniss Everdeen on the island’s species but if I broke it and all my arrows I’d be useless. With a knife you can make a new bow and arrow. You can sharpen a knife with a rock, and boom, back to normal sharpness. It feels ridiculous talking about a weapon that I have no specialty at, but, you know, I could be lost in the middle of a forest and would only have a knife and a bottle or something and I’d have to survive on those two. I’ll get comfortable with a knife. So I believe a knife would help me survive on a deserted island.

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