
Thursday 3 October 2013

Definition of Beauty

There is no absolute definition of beauty. Every human being has a distinct view of what beauty is –whether it be the curves of someone’s body, the color and shape of their eyes, the tone of their skin, the style of hair, the smallness of their feet, or the scars decorated on their skin. Yes, every nation has its distinctive perspective of beauty. In certain tribes of Africa, being corpulent is very beautiful. Thickness and curves is sought after while being thin is thought disgusting. Not the norm, right? While all our friends and girl classmates are trying to lose weight and perm their hair, girls in Thailand are stretching their necks with gold rings (the more the rings, the more gorgeous), and girls in China are binding their feet in the name of beauty and tradition. The concept of beauty is the concept of life. Okay, it’s not that complicated, but beauty can be infinitely defined. Ask a girl what beauty means and she might say it is what makes the guys’ heads turn. Ask a guy what beauty means and he might say it is one’s personality. (Find a guy like that and marry him, honey.) Some stereotype the word “beautiful” for girls, but a guy can be beautiful too. (In some places, it is the guys who are trying to impress the girls with makeup and dance in a so called beauty pageant.)

Enough about everyone’s opinion. Let us talk about my exclusive definition of beauty. I honestly believe that beauty is from within. Beauty starts with your personality or heart and works its way into your blood vessels, your bone marrow, you cartilage and tendons, your skin, your smile, and lastly your physique. Absolutely everything must have an origin – whether it be a flake of dust or the oceans of the sea.  I believe beauty must start in one’s soul. As that beauty grows, it will spread throughout the entire span of your inner being and will seep through your pores; people will then see the beauty settle onto your skin and acknowledge the fact that you are beautiful. Beauty is your personality also. And that doesn’t mean you have to be consistently kind and courteous to be beautiful. Your courage, determination and passion for something can make you appear beautiful. Beauty, in my opinion, is what makes the people around you fall deep in love with you. Some people fall for the physical beauty. God and your one true love fall in love with your spiritual and mental beauty.

And as everyone has a soul, everyone is beautiful. And as I believe God is perfect and the Creator of everything, I believe God made you and your entirety perfect. I’m sitting in journalism class right now typing this page out. As I scan the room discreetly, I see the beauty in each in every one of my classmates. They may not know they are perfect or even believe in God for that matter, but they truly are beautiful (and I’m not talking physical beauty). Of course, some people are more physically beautiful than others. But that’s not the point. Everyone has a sense of beauty. Some show it more than others. Some show it in different intervals than others. Some show it all the time and it annoys and makes me jealous. So yes, everyone is beautiful. No one should ever think they are not beautiful, for beauty is not just your face or your body shape. Beauty is your character.

So when you help someone pick up their fallen books, remember you are showing them your beautiful side instead of passing by them without concern of their fallen inconvenience and showing your ugly side. 

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