
Saturday 14 September 2013

My Super Power

"If I were to have a super power, what would it be and why?"

I have always liked the idea of levitation. Either it is my body levitating or my hand emitting the power of a strong, invisible force. Like the Force in Star Wars. Two movies that I've watched that included such power was Push and Chronicle. Defying gravity is something I wish I could control. Controlling it with my bare hands and even my conscience is mind-boggling. I want that power. 

The one movie that could explain my favorite superpower is Chronicle. I recommend the movie because it is just so intriguing in many ways. I'm going to try not to spoil anything for you though. Yet I will say that the trio of Andrew, Matt, and Steve could control a force in their hands and mind that could suspend objects such as the video recorder that was supposedly recording the movie, tennis balls, legos, cars, and even their bodies. Their mindsets change when they improve their powers. (Spoiler Alert) Andrew, who has been abused by his father, becomes psycho, and Matt had to do the inevitable to stop him. It is a pretty sad story, but it makes you think and wonder about what happens to Matt and his powers and the rest of his story. I watched the movie one summer morning. For the rest of the day, my mind kept going back to that movie. I always wondered how the hell the meteorite got there. Then I would wonder if it really was something from outer space. Then I would wonder what would happen if Masami, Savannah, and I were drunk enough to adventure into that hole and touch the glowing rock. I wondered if one of us would be dead also. 

I don't know if this is weird to you, but sometimes when I'm lying down in bed or on the couch, I would stare at something from a distance. My eye sight is fairly poor, yet I'm too lazy to get up to get my glasses or something. Sometimes I reach out and attempt summoning the object closer. Like a picture frame, a pencil, or the TV remote. And with a sigh I'd drop my hand, knowing that I would never achieve such a feat. Our minds are definitely incapable of such a task. Only if I was a Jedi or Matt or that hot guy in Push. One object that I want to suspend is water. I'll pour a cup of water it my hand and create a ball of liquid floating right above my palm. Perhaps with gentle strokes I could separate the blob into other individual bubbles or strokes of water to create symbols. I could create a water ball without the balloon. Isn't that cool?

Sometimes when I look out on my balcony, I'd normally look down. It is about a 15 feet drop. I'd imagine jumping, and not touching the ground, but safely floating above the grass and gravel. I'm not implying that I'm suicidal, but the thought is just so aspiring to me. I don't want to fly. I want to float. I want to suspend. I want to defy the force that holds us to Earth and can only be seen in movies, street performers, and cleverly digitally enhanced pictures.

It is a mystical power. I don't know if I would use it for evil like the main characters in Push or Chronicle. Maybe I would. Maybe I wouldn't. Would I?

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