
Monday 9 September 2013

Friendliness: Then and Now

"In the past people were friendlier than we are today. Agree or disagree?" 

What an interesting question. Depends on how long ago also. Is the past meaning a decade or a century ago? A generation ago? Two generations? Either way I disagree with this statement, for I believe an individual person will always experience harsh words and be the harsh word giver throughout his life. I've never really thought of people's friendliness changing throughout the years. I do believe that I understand why some people don't react so nice because life is not as nice to everyone else. But like... young or old, everyone's friendly. And everyone's rude.We are humans, and we are not consistent. We change every single day. Friendliness changes every minute actually. There hasn't been an "overload" of friendliness in the past, and over the years that overload dissipates in the unknown . That's just not right in my opinion.

If a person grows up in an environment of abusive parents, boyfriends/girlfriends, teachers, or friends, kindness hasn't entirely been the emotion they expect from everyone they interact. Being surrounded by that, they will either fear people or down right ignore, avoid, or hate people in general. Yet if a person is raised spoiled rotten and granted every toy they wanted, sure enough kindness cradled them to sleep every night. (I'm not saying that's a bad thing.) Your environment affects this opinion of ageing friendliness.

However, experiencing high school in general will make you realize that kids your age won't be as kind as they were in 3rd grade. High school will be a lot meaner to you than junior high school ever was for sure. You are actually trying to survive popularity, sociality, or individuality in the halls, restrooms, and classrooms. Everyone's stressed, so everyone's not gonna be nice to you all the damn time.

So yeah, people will always be mean and kind to you. There will not be a change. You will have good days and bad days, good months and bad months, good years and bad years. Yet you will always experience Hatred and Love in sporadic volumes. You'll get the heart-warming smile from a stranger during your usual wait in line at Starbucks and the rude taxi driver flip off during rush house. That's life. Endure those happy moments and tend the wounds that insults cut through you. You can do it.

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