
Thursday 8 August 2013

Describing myself

One of the coolest things about starting at a new school is that no one really has a clue of who you are. I mean, being on Saipan (and hanging with the certain crowd) you tend to know many people by name and such. But you don't know their entire story. Everyone has a story. Have you ever noticed? When you look at someone, there are pages and pictures that record his past. Right now seems like the perfect time to introduce Tiana properly.

First off, my last name is pronounced Ran-ho. not Ran-jo.

this is my twin!
In  July 1997, I was born here in Saipan and raised by two extraordinary loving and hardworking parents. I've been raised in the eyes of two partners who are strict in discipline and education. And their love has never failed me since. I'm a walking melting pot of American, Italian, Pennsylvania Dutch (my mom), and Filipino blood (my dad). My parents weren't the type to go to church every Sunday. However, they were religious in their own ways. As I said, my parents are strict, for they constantly taught me and Andrea the right and wrong. However, it's not like we lived a boring life. My parents know how to have fun! Being active was just as important as being virtuous. And if anyone would ever hear about my mom talking about my sister at a young age, she would always mention how proud I was of being a big sister. Although we are two years and nine months apart, I tend to think she is still as feeble as she was at three. In other words, I'm very protective. So if anyone were to hurt her, I'd be there to protect her in the blink of an eye. No lie. I love my immediate family. We are actually going through a hard time at the moment, but it's a hurdle we have to jump over together.

Traditionally I have dark brown eyes and dark brown-almost-black hair. (Hair everryywhere because of the Italian side.) I tend to get self-conscious of my body, but other times I yolo myself to feel good. (That's when I push myself in soccer!) Also, I'm content with my height of 5'3". So yeah, I'm not tall as some Americans or as skinny as some Asians, yet I honestly love how God made me.

Now let's get down to deeper business. Who am I really? Let us start at my worst.

I tend to be forgetful and irresponsible in situations such as school, personal items, etc. I have to write down certain homework and facts; my way of studying involves a lot of rereading and recopying notes. I also tend to lack ambition in things I have no care for. I underestimate myself in many situations. I also cheat in work (which is my absolute last resort in school). I get apathetic also. You have to tell me commands twice when I'm not in the mood. I am sensitive; some say emotionally weak. I can get very sarcastic when irritated. Lastly, I am human (a fact and partly an excuse).

Last year for a personal profile project, I had to ask people (via Facebook) what they had thought of me. The following are the two common things people had said about me that I remember: Tiana is kind and patient. Some say too kind. That is true haha. I am a positive person. I'd rather center myself amongst positive vibes. I love children also. ("Oh lol, pedophile huhuhuh." Seriously, c'mon grow up.) Lastly, I love to listen to what people have to say, whether it be negative or positive; shallow or considerate; funny or stupid. Someone always has something to say, and I am glad to lend an ear. This is where the patience comes in  too.

I have two very close friends, Masami and Savannah. If anyone wants to know more about me, they should ask these two. They are honest and beautiful people at heart. Our friendship, however, did not start out well. We did not entirely get along. But with a lot of patience and understanding, we gradually became closer with each other. They are my sisters. I love them so much!!! The best part is that our families are just as close too.

my hottie and photo expert of a friend Savannah (credit to her)
a picture of all three of us! (starting left: Me, Masami, and Savannah)
Oh! I love sports, too. Most especially soccer. It's the only sport I truly know: its rules and strategies. No, I'm not in any way professional. I just absolutely love the people I interact with and the sport in general. I play volleyball and basketball also, but soccer is the sport I am most comfortable in.

So that was me. I've left out so much on purpose because I have no words in explaining it all. That could be another post. 

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