
Wednesday 7 August 2013

New Year's Resolution

I had written my personal resolutions for 2013 not long after New Years Eve. Many of my resolutions weren't entirely goals but more along the lines of simple rules and regulations that I promise myself to keep throughout the years and even my life. For example, I promised myself not to yell or raise my voice at my mother, to stay close friends with my two sisters-from-other-misters, to continue playing my usual variety of sports, and to simply not get pregnant before college. But after my first day of school and journalism class, I might at well think of more exciting and worthwhile goals for my life at sixteen.

First, I'd like to visit a completely foreign country with either my closest friend(s), my spouse, or eldest child who must be older than twelve years old. And foreign meaning a culture I have no clue of its existence or a place I do not know one word of their language. I honestly do not like going to places like this. For instance, my mom wanted to go to Beijing one summer, but I selfishly refused and ridiculed her. I was unsure of the country, for neither my mom or dad knew the language. If it was Japan, I would be perfectly fine with going because I know a few words and my mom is a fluent Japanese speaker. But to go somewhere completely foreign will take me out of my comfort zone and be an experience I could proudly tell others. Some place in India, Cuba, Africa or even China. I might even envision epiphanies about my life and my fellow travelling partner. I want to experience more of the world other than the caves of Saipan. 

Secondly, I'd actually want to go on a vast shopping spree in the Mall of America. Yeah, pretty much what every female wishes, but I'd go full out on this trip. Officials say it takes at least three days to completely view the shops and walk around this mall. What I will need is either my mom or a close friend who is willing to sleep a night in the mall and constantly shop. I'll need segways or golf carts to get me to the stores I like and to the amusement park rides I want to experience. I'll need a $100,000 on my debit card (cash slows everything down and I am against credit cards); I'll be putting all my purchased goods in those recyclable bags that sell at grocery stores for easy carrying access.I believe I need to get permission from the head director of the mall and their mall cops, but honestly it's something I'll be willing to crazily do.

Lastly, I would like to influence my classmates towards good deeds. I'd have to be friends first, because no one wants to be bossed around or told what to do by someone they don't know. I'll slowly begin to learn everyone's names (most especially the guys, I'm not keen with Korean names) and should talk to them. Okay, I'll have to put aside the shy Tiana and start participating; that's the challenge in this. In the next month, quarter, or even next semester I could be more open to my classmates. Or teacher. Being an influence will either be through action or words.Well, that's for being a good influence. A bad influence would be through force. I'm not like that. This was my goal for when I was in Marianas Baptist Academy, my last school. I wouldn't say it was a success, yet I wouldn't say it was a failure also. However, this is overall my top priority.

I've been told writing down your goals actually encourages you to accomplish them because they are, well, written down and in black and white. It'll be a shame to just leave it alone because you've wasted about fifty cents worth of ink on your ten cent piece of paper. And posting this on the internet will allow all who are willing to see it to actually see it! So if you don't see a halfcast teenager on the news for going on a shopping spree three consecutive days in a row in Mall of America in the next couple of moths (most likely YEARS), then I have let myself down.

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