
Wednesday 14 August 2013

Favorite Metaphor of Love

Ahh, the topic of love. A simple four letter that is just as complicated as life. Every human being has their own perspective about love. And to sum it down, my definition of love can be simply stated in the form of my favorite metaphor. Love is a key. I found this metaphor in a short excerpt of A Mortal Antipathy by Oliver Wendell Holmes. It goes along the lines of this: Love is the master key that unlocks the gates of happiness, of hatred, of jealousy, and most easily of all, the gate of fear.
I enjoy this sentence because 1) it compares love to the concept of keys and I absolutely adore keys (I have a very small skeleton key collection), and 2) it explains the fact that one experiences a variety of emotions while trapped in love's clutches. Yes, I will admit that I have experienced the heart-ripped-into-freaking-who-knows-many-pieces type of love when I unconditionally loved someone. (Moral of story: it sucks.) However, I am over that experience and am on a new phase of "young love" with someone ever so mutually dear to me.

Back to the point. The concept of love being a key and "unlocking the gates of..." ladada is pretty significant to my definition of love. In my experience, you feel a clash of emotions at once every single second of the day. It drives you insane and makes you feel like the happiest human being alive while you are crying your eyes out in your bedroom while wondering what your lover/beloved thinks of you. Perhaps I am exaggerating, but most of the time your mind feels that way. 

When you are in love, you are happy, most especially when that person loves you back. (I am blessed in this <3).When you are in love, you get jealous. Really jealous. As in no-one-should-be-talking-to-him-or-smiling-at-him-like-that type of jealousy. In an actual bf/gf relationship, this can get ugly (but this is where the trust faction comes in). When you are in love, you become angry. Frequently. This is jealousy's cousin. They occasionally play with each other in the playgrounds of your heart. And last but not least, you become fearful. You fear the rejection. You fear their leaving. You fear their eyes looking at another person. You fear being forgotten. More so you fear being alone in general. 

As you experience all the baggage acquired while loving, you become a new person. As you open the doors of love's mansion, you view life through through different eyes and react maturely - or poorly - to daily situations. You go through phases. Depends on what kind of love you're going through though.

Love sucks, and love is awesome. I remember reading a poem about el-oh-vee-ee. We have all contemplated the question, "Is it better to be loved than to not be loved at all?" Remember what it was like to love? And not to love? Which is actually better? 1) It actually differs to some people. 2) Yet whichever you choose is a loss. Honestly, some get emotionally.. impaired after a bad relationship. However if it's a good experience, then love is a good result. And even if it's a bad experience, you leearrrn from your mistakes.  

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